Studenthuset is a Micro-house complete with kitchen, bathroom with shower, hot water heater, solar panels, floor heat, wood floors and tile, outside deck, lights sleeping loft or hide-a-bed. All you need is a place to put it and a source of water. Call or mail us for a full description of options and prices. 15 square meters is the maximum allowed in Sweden for a permit free installation in a private yard within 4.5 meters to the property line. Prices start at 10,000 kronor per square meter.
My Daughters and I watched a movie last Saturday night in the Studenthuset and it was very cozy! Cool to be in the middle of the park and watch people stop and stare!
Hej! Vi är i Lundagård nu! Kom och Titta!
SvaraRaderaMy Daughters and I watched a movie last Saturday night in the Studenthuset and it was very cozy! Cool to be in the middle of the park and watch people stop and stare!